Currency Banknotes Unc

Year > 1929 (8/12)

  • 1929 T2 $5 First National Banknote Currency Wichita Kansas Pmg Choice Unc 63 Epq
  • 1929 $100 National Banknote Currency Memphis Tennessee Pmg Choice Unc 64 Epq
  • Unc 1929 T1 $20 National Currency Natl. Bank & Trust Co. Spring City Pa. Ch#2018
  • Series 1929 $5 Pmg64 Epq Choice Unc Nat Currency Citizens Nb Evansville Ty2 3386
  • 1929 $5 First National Banknote Currency Lexington Kentucky Pmg Gem Unc 66 Epq
  • 1929 $20 City Nb & Trust Co Of Columbus, Oh National Currency Ch #7621 Gem Unc
  • 1929 $10 Chase National Banknote Currency New York Ny Pmg Choice Unc 63 Epq
  • 1929 $10 Tyii First Nb Of Leesburg, Fl National Currency Ch. #11038 Pmg Unc-64epq
  • 1929 $20 Springs-first Nb Cambridge Springs, Pa National Currency Ch. #9430 Unc
  • 1929 $5 First National Banknote Currency Fremont Nebraska Pmg Choice Unc 64 Epq
  • 1929 $20 Peoples Nb Of Waterville, Me National Currency Ch. #880 Pmg Unc-62epq
  • $10 1929 Wisconsin Rapids Wisconsin National Currency Bank Note Bill #4639 Unc64